Meditations & Managers

I have been reading, rather listening, to the audio book “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius and like all good books, the concepts within it bleed over into your personality and you start to apply its teaching to every day life. Why do managers never make decisions, always just talking with one another… “oh, but what if this?”, “how about we do it this way?”, “no, no, no, this way is much better!”, going round and round in circles like this for days, even weeks. Eventually they agree, and a plan gets formed, but yet, they start changing the plan, key decisions never get made as they brush over it in search for more complex ideas, missing the point that the simplest idea is often the best. They don’t seem to reason, but are charged by the fear of missing out, “oh, but I want the bigger room” even though you have the smallest team, “I want this done soon, we are fed up with our current working environment” but yet they don’t help to make it go faster. I don’t understand.

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